General Contractor Serving Orange County & Los Angeles, CA Since 1992
Do you give free estimates?
Yes. Without a detailed plan and material list, we won't be able to give you an exact price for your project but we can give you a cost range. If you call or email us with some details about your project, we will provide you with a cost range, free of charge based on the information you provide and photos of the existing space.
Do I need permits?
If you are doing anything relating to plumbing, electrical, or the structure of the house, you most likely will need a permit. Some very simple kitchen and bathroom modifications can be done without a permit, but it is always project and City dependent.
Who deals with the permits?
We do. We take care of preparing plans, applying for permits with the building department, and scheduling inspections.
How soon can you start?
Most of our projects take at least a month or two to design and budget. After we have selected a design and agreed on a budget, it usually takes about 3 months to obtain permits. It’s a good idea to contact us several months before you would like to start your project.
How long will my project take?
It really depends on the size of your project. A simple bathroom renovation, for example, can take as little as 3 weeks to complete and as long as 10 weeks depending on the City’s ability to inspect our work as it is completed. We estimate our projects based on the amount of time it will take to complete so it is in our best interest to make your project as efficient as possible.
Can you look at a house I want to buy?
Yes, we will gladly meet you at a property you are considering purchasing. We charge a fee of $100 per hour for these meetings. We will gladly discuss pricing and feasibility of any renovation you are planning, during this walkthrough so you can understand the cost and timeline associated with the improvements.
Do you subcontract your work?
We perform most of the work ourselves, but we do subcontract some work including HVAC, roofing, hardscaping, and other specialty trades. Our job is not to perform all the work in your house, but to bring you a team of skilled tradespeople who will help build the best-finished product.
Will the price of the project change?
If we are contracted for a fixed amount we will not change that price. If you add scope to the project, such as an additional light fixture, you will be asked to approve a change order for this additional work prior to us starting. In some cases, building departments require additional work not specified in the plans that can lead to cost increases.
Who will be my direct point of contact during my project?
You will deal directly with Robert Barron, the owner, and Trenton Miller for the duration of your project.
Can I live in the house during construction?
In many cases, we can set up the project so that you can remain in your home for the duration of the project. We use the best equipment to control dust and make sure there is a solid separation between you and your renovation. However, living in the house may extend the length of the project as we will have to be more cautious with what we do and make sure that disconnected plumbing and electrical connections are reconnected at the end of each day.
Does my space need to be completely gutted?
We typically only remove what needs to be removed during our projects. If during demolition we discover a need to remove more material than originally planned, we will immediately notify you and provide you with a recommended course of action.
Do you take on small jobs?
We do some smaller projects, but they don’t take priority in our schedule as we are usually busy with our larger projects. If you have a small project you would like us to look at, give us a call or email and we will let you know what our wait time would be to start.
Will you help with the design?
We currently do not offer design assistance. If you would like help with your design we can always refer you to designers we have worked with on prior projects.
Do I need to hire an architect?
If your project involves structural work or exterior work you most likely will need an architect. We will be glad to refer you to one we have worked with after we have reviewed your project and finalized a rough budget.
Will I need to handle any subcontractors?
No, we manage the selection, hiring, and scheduling of all subcontractors.
What areas do you service?
We service Orange County & Los Angeles, CA
Are you cheaper or more expensive than other contractors in your area?
By being vigilant with our systems and processes, we are able to deliver a high level of craftsmanship at a fair price. We consider ourselves to be the Home Depot of contractors, meaning our prices are affordable and leave you with a product that is built to last.
How do you handle change orders?
When change orders are received we notify you of the change order. We then add an additional line item to the project invoice that reflects the change order description and additional cost. Change orders will not be completed until approved by you the homeowner.